stihl bosch  unior


feman iskra varstroj eletroda


l klauke l oleo mac honda l fluke
There are also various additional structural suffixes, these affect the layout and metrics of the module:

  • title-left / title-center / title-right - align module title.
  • title-mini / title-small / title-normal / title-large - size of module title.
  • no-margin-top / no-margin-right / no-margin-bottom / no-margin-left / no-margin-all - removes the margins around the module.
  • (small/med/large/xlarge)-margin-top / (small/med/large/xlarge)-margin-right / (small/med/large/xlarge)-margin-bottom, (small/med/large/xlarge)-margin-left : increase the margins around the module.
  • no-padding-top / no-padding-right / no-padding-bottom / no-padding-left / no-padding-all - removes the paddings around the module.
  • (small/med/large/xlarge)-padding-top / (small/med/large/xlarge)-padding-right / (small/med/large/xlarge)-padding-bottom, (small/med/large/xlarge)-padding-left : increase the paddings around the module.